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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Actions You Can Take for Family Safety

You've taken steps by installing an alarm system monitoring home entry ways and systems for fire and carbon monoxide. You can sleep easy knowing the alarm will sound if someone comes into your home or if your teenager tries to sneak out. Plus, you feel secure that you'll be awakened in plenty of time if a fire occurs or carbon monoxide creeps to high levels. But, depending on the region where you live, other natural disasters could take place. Your entire family needs to know what to do if such an event transpires, and to practice the routines. Just like with fires and the Stop, Drop, and Roll routine, there are measures you can take to prepare and practice for each one of nature's furies. Whatever the potential danger in your region may be, set up a location for family members to meet and a communication routine so everyone knows who is safe and who may need help.

If you live in an identified high-risk earthquake zone, some preparations you can take include double securing anything in your home that could topple, like heavy bookshelves and wall hangings. Practice the Drop, Cover, and Hold on routine. Drop to your knees so you're not knocked down, Cover your head and neck, and Hold on to something sturdy.

Weather services can predict severe storms with conditions that could produce tornadoes. Pay attention to watches and warnings and take them seriously. Have a predetermined safety area in your home to gather during any warnings. Practice getting to safest area of protection.

Evacuation is recommended when a hurricane is predicted. The 5Ps make up an evacuation plan in order of importance: People; Prescriptions and medically necessary items; Papers, such as insurance, deeds, and social security cards stored and packed as hard copies or on portable thumb drives; Personal needs, such as cash and credit cards, water, food, clothing, and a first aid kit; Priceless items that cannot be replaced like photo and mementos. Having the items stored in a bag labeled for evacuation is the quickest way to get them to safety with you.

Other disasters include floods and wildfires that could hit any region, therefore, plans should be in place. By preparing and planning you have a better chance to keep your family safe.

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